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Prof Chinyelu Angela Ekwunife
Chinyelu Angela Ekwunife (nee Emejulu) a professor(2014)at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria is ascientist that specialises in Public Health Parasitology and Epidemiology. She holds a Doctorate Degree in Parasitology from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (2003).
She also has the following certificates amongst others: a.The Geneva Learning Foundation in collaboration with the WHO certificate on Scholar Level 1 workshop for Improved Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Female Genital Schistosomiasis(FGS) May 2021; b.The African Regional Training Centre (ARTC) in collaboration with WHO/TDR certificate on The Gender-Based Analysis for Vector Borne Diseases and Climatic Change Research(GBA) March 2021; c. WHO, TDR, United Nations University and Monash University Malaysia certificate MOOC on Implementation Research (IR) with focus on Infectious Diseases of Poverty (IDP) February 2018 and TDR/WHO Ethics and Research Codes for Applied Social Sciences for Public Health (Collaboration with the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases(TDR) of theWHO and with the support of Federal Ministry of Health, Abuja, Nigeria.) April, 2008.
She has served and is still serving her Faculty and the University in many capacities. At present, she is the Associate Provost (Sciences) of College of Postgraduate Studies Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka.She is a member of WHO Social Innovation in Health Initiative NAU Research Team.
Prof Chinyelu Ekwunife is a member and currently the National Treasurer of Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria, member International Society for Infectious Diseases, among others.She has successfully supervised over 30 MSc and PhD students and has over 50 publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Some of the Travel Grant Awards received include : WHO Travel Grant in 2008; LSTMH Grant to Ethiopia in 2014; Neglected Tropical Disease NGDO Network(NNN) Grant to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirate, in 2015 and 2019 respectively.
She has served and is still serving as external examiner to many universities, as well as External assessor of lecturers’ output/publicationsfor promotion to the position of Readers and Professors. She also serves as reviewer to many National and international Journals including our own Nigerian Journal of Parasitology (NJP).
Her research interest areas are Urinary Schistosomiasis, Malaria, Onchocerciasis and Geohelminthes. She participated in the monitoring of community directed treatment with Ivermectin in Anambra state APOC, 2009, ChinyeluEkwunife was the Coordinator Anambra State Raploa(Loa loa) survey in South East Nigeria, supported by the Carter Center, April 2015. She was a facilitator during the development of Minimum Service Package and Regulations for Primary Health Care Delivery in three states (Imo, Anambra,Abia) of Nigeria in 2017 funded by UNICEF.
Chinyelu is the Research and Planning Officer of Pan-African Community Initiative on Education and Health(PACIEH), An NGDO that supports global efforts to reduce the burden of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections in school-age children who are at high- risk of infection and have limited access to safe and effective treatment.
Chinyelu Angela is married and blessed with beautiful children.

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